Chicken Nettex Power Drops

Nettex have created these amazing Power Drops for poultry, designed to revive and help lethargic and poorly chickens back to good health, we really recommend this product! it works really well when chickens are recovering from illness or stress.


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How do you use?

Administer directly to the chicken with the supplied pipet.

How quickly should i see a change in the chicken?

You should start to see them gain in energy within a few hours, if no change after a couple of days we would recommend seeking veterinary advice.

When should i use this?

In times of stress, depression, and lathargy or during environmental changes and flock challenges.

More Info

Nettex Power Drops are a fast acting pick-me-up packed full of vitamins and minerals and extra B vitamins to help support birds in stressful situations, during times of ill health and depression.

When chickens get sick they hide it from their flock mates for as long a they can, chickens tend to attack and can kill the weaker members in a flock, so the poorly hen may hide her symptoms for some time.

You may suddenly notice once day she has stooped eating, drinking and is hunched and looking very depressed and sad. By this time whatever has ailed the hen has taken hold, once you see these symptoms the hen has entered a depression and needs something to snap her out of it.

We have seen these power drops bring hens back form the brink of death, the drops offer an instant energy source for weak birds (energy levels may be seen to be improved in as little as 30 minutes), this encourages them to start eating and drinking again and will improve their mood to give them a fighting chance.

The drops also provide immune supporting vitamins, particularly good during periods of environmental stress e.g. when feed intake is depressed as it helps support appetite and feed efficiency.

Not to be used for a long term solution if you have a sick bird that needs veterinary attention, but will be a great short term option to keep them alert and get them moving again and this is an absolute staple item in any good chicken keeper’s first aid kit.

  • Instant revive and energy boost
  • Supports a weak immune system with vitamin B
  • Helps to break metal depression and lathery.
  • Can restore lost appetites in as little as 30 minutes
  • Chicken keeper’s first aid box staple item!
  • 30ml dropper bottle

Delivery for Supplies

If your order only includes supplies

0-2kg Royal Mail 2nd Class – £3.50

2-30kg Parcel Force 48 – £7.50

30kg+ Parcel Force 48 – £12.00

If your order includes both chickens and supplies

When buying both poultry and product at the same time, your supplies will be packaged to be delivered or collected at the same time as your chickens.

Our Happy Customers

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“I can’t wait to purchase hens through Pipinchick in the new year!”

"Brilliant service, great products with neatly designed packaging with direct instructions on the labelling. I am treating a (formerly) paralyzed chicken with severe nutritional wry neck successfully with guidance from the Pipinchick website. Products arrived on 48hr delivery, I can't wait to purchase hens through Pipinchick in the new year!"

Janine, Sept ’22

“Pipinchick couldn’t have been more helpful”

Pipinchick couldn't have been more helpful, delivering our two friendly hens and some supplies we couldn't get hold of elsewhere. The birds have kept us entertained - and supplied with eggs - all summer long. If you are lucky enough to have a small garden I'd recommend a few chickens for everyone.

John, Aug ‘21

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