Fox Repellent 2 Sachets

Fox Repellant is an easy and effective way to deter predators from your garden and chicken run.

£6.30 inc. VAT

4 available

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When should i use this product?

Apply Fox and Wildlife Repellent under dry conditions and ensure that the spray deposit dries on the crop/plant/area to be protected.

How much do i need?

100g of product is sufficient to make 18 litres of spray solution to treat an area of 50m2 will this deter foxes.

This will deter foxes from taking your chickens?

You are essentially scent marking you garden regular application is advised to maximise effectiveness.

More Info

Keep your garden free from unwanted wildlife with this easy to use Fox and Wildlife Repellant. This scent deterrent helps prevent foxes and other wild animals from digging and scratching while foraging for food in your garden. It can be used on all edible crops, non-edible crops, ornamental borders, patios, paths and driveways.

Directions for use: Each sachet produces 9 litres of spray solution. Dilute 1 sachet in a small amount of warm water. Once dissolved, add cold water to make 9 litres. Apply to the affected area immediately using a watering can be fitted with a fine rose, repeat every 2-3 months.

  • Treats up to 34m2 – dilute in water to activate.
  • Easy and effective.
  • Child and pet safe once dried.
  • Contains aluminium ammonium sulphate.
  • Always read the label – use pesticides safely…

Delivery for Supplies

If your order only includes supplies

0-2kg Royal Mail 2nd Class – £3.50

2-30kg Parcel Force 48 – £7.50

30kg+ Parcel Force 48 – £12.00

If your order includes both chickens and supplies

When buying both poultry and product at the same time, your supplies will be packaged to be delivered or collected at the same time as your chickens.

Our Happy Customers

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“Pipinchick couldn’t have been more helpful”

Pipinchick couldn't have been more helpful, delivering our two friendly hens and some supplies we couldn't get hold of elsewhere. The birds have kept us entertained - and supplied with eggs - all summer long. If you are lucky enough to have a small garden I'd recommend a few chickens for everyone.

John, Aug ‘21

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