Silvermoor Alfalfa Swinger Peck Block String

For use with Silvermoor Alfalfa Pecker Block, a thick and study green rope for you to hang the block, please note the pecker block is sold separately.



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Will this help my chickens with boredom?

Yes, this long-lasting peck block will keep your chickens busy when confined to a run area.

Can you hang the block?

Yes hanging them either with string or using a treat net is a great way to enrich your run.

More Info

Please note the pecker block is not included.

Silvermoor Peckers are a feed material for poultry to be fed in conjunction with their current diet. The unique design should be hung at head height to make best use of the product and promote natural pecking behaviour.

Silvermoor Peckers enrich hens’ environment and enhance bird welfare by encouraging natural activity and relieving stress which decreases the risk of bullying. Made up of alfalfa, Silvermoor Peckers provide a good source of dietary fibre to promote gut health.

  • Promotes natural behaviour
  • Stress relieving
  • Good source of dietary fibre
  • Long lasting
  • Helps reduce feather loss
  • Reduce stress
  • 100% natural
  • A block may be purchased separately

Delivery for Supplies

If your order only includes supplies

0-2kg Royal Mail 2nd Class – £3.50

2-30kg Parcel Force 48 – £7.50

30kg+ Parcel Force 48 – £12.00

If your order includes both chickens and supplies

When buying both poultry and product at the same time, your supplies will be packaged to be delivered or collected at the same time as your chickens.

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