Showgirl Silkie Chickens
Quirky Showgirl Silkie Chickens For Sale
Introduction to Showgirl Silkie Chickens
Very unusual, wonderful and just fabulous!!! These stunning Silkie hens are named Showgirl Silkies. They have fatherless necks and outrageously poufy pom-poms making them look every bit as their name suggests. Their fun characters make them great for children, they are docile and absolutely full of quirkiness, we find them so entertaining to watch ‘chicken’ about the garden.
Stunning and full of charm Pipinchick’s Show Girl Silkie Marilyn was photographed for U.K. fashion brand Burberry as part of their winter advertising campaign in 2018.
More About Silkie Showgirls
Showgirl Silkies are such funny birds, full of character, they are really good fun to watch and be around. They do like people and will become very friendly once they know you, they are usually more confident than a fluffy bearded Silkie. Showgirls have been created by cross breeding a naked neck chicken with Silkies and then the Silkie traits have then been bred back in. This has created such a great bird, they are sweet and friendly like a Silkie but also robust and hardier like the naked necks. This makes them really good first-time chickens, as they are that bit more robust and confident, but also sweet and inquisitive, they can be mixed with most all other breeds. Their long featherless necks and giant poufy pompoms makes them look every bit as their name suggests just like a Las Vegas Showgirl, they also have the attitude and sass to match.

Showgirls are quite robust and hardy for a Silkie, they can be mixed with most breeds and quite like to climb, perch and will even roost. Due to being cross bred with a flight bird they do sometimes think they can fly, they can’t, but they love to try… They can jump pretty high so a secure walk in run is ideal for when you are not around. They will need winter feet feather trims as they are feather footed, their feathers are as a normal Silkie, soft and fluffy and with no natural waterproofing, so ensure you have a covered area within your run for them to shelter from the rain.

Silkies originated from East Asia originally and have been documented as far back as 1000 years, they are a truly ancient breed. Showgirl Silkies are relatively new to the Silkie scene, they are a cross breed and have been gaining popularity for the last 10 years. We adore them at Pipinchick they are such unique birds in appearance and character! They have been crossed with a Transylvanian Naked Neck to create their featherless neck. They can also come in both bearded and non-bearded varieties.