Hybrid Speckledy
Speckledy Hybrid Chickens For Sale
Introduction to Hybrid Speckledy Chickens
The Speckledy Hybrid is a very friendly and inquisitive chicken, they make lovely pets as they are easy to handle and have calm natures. They are gentle, docile and very hardy, they are a fantastic all-rounder chicken, great for first-time keepers who can offer a little extra room. They are solid, confident and not flighty and can lay up to 300 medium brown eggs a year, enjoy having plenty of fresh eggs every day with this gorgeous laying hen.
*Please note, hybrid hens are cross bred and as such about 10% may not lay the specified coloured egg, if you want a guaranteed egg colour then opt for a pure breed chicken*
More About Speckledy Hybrids
The Speckledy Hybrid is a very nice natured bird, they are not known for being aggressive, like all Hybrids they do need room to range and love to forage. They make great chickens for the first-time keeper as they are hardy and robust and easy to care for. They can be a little flighty until they get to know you but once settled are inquisitive and friendly, perhaps not a lap chicken but they can be hand tamed with time and patience.

Speckledy Hybrids are great roaming birds, they love to forage and free range, they would not be suited to a small back garden set up and would need lots of grass time. Nutrition is important for hybrid chickens, they need a good layers’ pellet and extra treats with calcium, vitamin D and B12 to enable them to produce lots of lovely fresh eggs. You will need to ensure your area has feed and water available at all times. They love to forage so the perfect setting would be a large walk-in run for when you’re not around, as they can fly, with lots of space to forage outdoors safely. You can use electric fencing to create safe areas for foraging if you have a big space. Hybrids can fly and would like a roosting bar for sleeping at night, they can also manage a house with a ladder or a ramp.

Hybrid Chickens come in many varieties and are usually cross-bred from different pure breeds such as the Light Sussex, Rhode Island Red and Leghorn. The Speckledy has been bred from lines of Rhode Island Red and cuckoo Marans but does not lay a chocolate egg. They are not easily stressed and are generally very confident, friendly birds. Hybrid chicken development is quite new and only started in the 1950’s, before the hybrid chicken was created most farmers and poultry keepers kept pure breeds. Hybrids have been created to lay prolific numbers of eggs, but their egg production is short lived and they tend to slow down after about 3 years of laying, they are capable of laying approximately 300 brown eggs per year and are not known for being broody.