Fancy Feed Supreme Mixed Corn

Supreme Mixed Corn is an appetising blend of English wheat and cut maize plus tasty extras chosen for their appeal to the bird as well as their nutritional benefits.

£11.50  –  £17.50

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How much should I feed my chickens?

This is a high energy mix and a Strick ration of 28g per large fowl chicken and 10 grams per bantam and small breeds.

What’s included in the mix?

Whole linseed, black sunflower seeds, oyster shell, naked oats, soya oil, split peas.


  • Whole linseed is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Black sunflower seeds also contain essential fatty acids and supply the important antioxidant, vitamin E, to support good health and immunity.
  • Oyster shell is also included, which dissolves in the digestive system to provide additional calcium to aid egg shell integrity and support strong bones.
  • Naked oats have been added as a low fibre energy source and are high in good quality protein, supplying essential amino acids for feather and egg production.
  • Soya oil is used to coat the mix, supplying additional fatty acids for egg production and plumage.
  • Split peas are particularly beneficial, being high in protein and popular with birds of all sizes.

More Info

Fancy feed have created this wonderful new supreme corn mix for your pet poultry. With whole linseed which is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids, black sunflower seeds which also contain essential fatty acids and supply the important antioxidant, vitamin E, to support good health and immunity.

With added oyster shell which dissolves in the digestive system to provide additional calcium which aids in egg shell integrity and supports strong bones.

Additional naked oats have been added as a low fibre energy source and are high in good quality protein, supplying essential amino acids for feather and egg production soya oil is also used to coat the mix, supplying additional fatty acids for egg production and plumage.

Now with added split peas which are particularly beneficial, being high in protein and popular with birds of all sizes.

Offer Supreme Mixed Corn after the main ration of pellets or mash has been fed to ensure the birds do not fill themselves with it in preference to the fully balanced food.

Delivery for Supplies

If your order only includes supplies

0-2kg Royal Mail 2nd Class – £3.50

2-30kg Parcel Force 48 – £7.50

30kg+ Parcel Force 48 – £12.00

If your order includes both chickens and supplies

When buying both poultry and product at the same time, your supplies will be packaged to be delivered or collected at the same time as your chickens.

Our Happy Customers

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“Pipinchick couldn’t have been more helpful”

Pipinchick couldn't have been more helpful, delivering our two friendly hens and some supplies we couldn't get hold of elsewhere. The birds have kept us entertained - and supplied with eggs - all summer long. If you are lucky enough to have a small garden I'd recommend a few chickens for everyone.

John, Aug ‘21

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